Worship Team
Purpose to work with the pastor and ministry staff to ensure that we provide opportunities for worship that will help people develop and strengthen their relationship with God and will help them live more faithfully as Christian disciples.
Responsibilities: We work with the pastors and ministry staff to plan worship appropriate to the needs of the church. To this end, we assign coordinator responsibilities to team members.
- Scripture Coordinator: seeks, identifies and assigns scripture readers for worship services
- Communion Coordinator: ensures bread and wine are obtained for Communion and finds servers from the congregation
- Usher Coordinator: trains and coordinates ushers to welcome members and visitors, manage entry and exit in the sanctuary, collect offerings and coordinate the taking of Communion by the congregation
- Paraments Coordinator: cares for and sets out the banners and ornamental cloths to help shape what worshippers perceive and expect in a service
The team also plans special services for New Years, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Easter, Pentecost, Mothers and Fathers Day, All Saints Day, Advent, and Christmas. Email gg@fmcmarblefalls.com to help!